Mobility Survey

Assessing age in terms of movement can be an important and often neglected learning tool for healthy aging.

We worked hard to create a survey that we believe can accurately assess movement habits.

After the survey, you'll have an opportunity to share your thoughts on the survey.

Mobility Survey is a self-assessment tool that will help survey participants gain insights about the current state of their mobility and fitness.

Our goal is to help people taking the survey to move more youthfully.  At the end of the process, participants will receive suggestions for movement exercises drawn from the Change Your Age program that can improve their quality of life with more mindful movement and increased body awareness, ultimately helping the participant to move more youthfully with a rejuvenating vigor and spirit.

You will also be invite to book a free 15 minute consultation with me to discuss your results, and discover how we can best support your needs.

The Survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, you will be presented with a results page with your estimated Mobility Age (MA) compared to your actual age, a measure of your responses in four primary categories that the survey evaluates about your mobility, and your Mobilty Quotient (MQ).

Please answer the survey questions as honestly and thoughtfully as possible. The point of this survey is to understand how you can help yourself to change your age and move more youthfully.  It is not to push yourself to do something you can't do. All of your information will be held in the strictest confidence and not shared with anyone without your permission.

For more movement lessons, tips and helpful routines, buy the Change Your Age book and the Change Your Age video program. 

The Change Your Age Mobility Survey is based on the work of the research team of Dr. Frank Wildman, Dr. Sanford Rosenberg and Dr. Benjamin Rosenberg. Dr. Wildman's new program, Change Your Age, is available through Amazon. Change Your Age workshops are now being taught in major cities throughout the United States. The Change Your Age program is also available on Vimeo on Demand video streaming

Click here to take the mobility survey.